There are many ways to enter Warrior Two Pose. Here are the most common: from Mountain pose or Forward Fold, stepping one foot back; or Wide Legged Mountain Pose with feet wider than your hips.
- Front foot points to the front of your mat (the short edge)
- Back foot points to the long edge of your mat, parallel with the back short edge of your mat (about 90 degrees)
- Hips remain open towards the long edge of your mat (rather than square to the front as in Warrior One)
- Back leg is straight, with all four corners of your feet grounding down into the mat
- Front leg is bent, one day perhaps at 90 degrees, taking care not to extend your knee beyond your ankle
- Tailbone lengthens down towards the mat and the crown of your head reaches up to the ceiling
- Hands can come to your hips, together at your heart, or open up, reaching to the front and back of your mat
- Breathe deep